COVIDSAFE Workplace Practices

Education & Awareness

  • All employees and contractors have completed the Australian Government: Department of Health Infection Control Training – COVID 19
  • Team members receive regular updates and awareness on good hygiene principles and social distancing measures as provided by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee

Contact Tracing

  • All staff have downloaded and are using the COVIDSafe mobile phone App as recommended by the AHPPC
  • All inspections are permanently recorded in an online, backed up database with reporting measures that indicate the level of interaction with other stakeholders

Pre-Inspection Questioning

  • Communication with tenants has been an integral reason why we have been able to continue to operate during these challenging times. Our tenants are comfortable if we are cautious, but they are nervous if we are reckless.
  • Our administration team has significantly modified the way it schedules smoke alarm inspections by taking every opportunity to make direct phone contact with the tenants. These conversations give the opportunity for the tenants to confirm if they or any of the occupants of the property:
    • Have tested positive to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
    • Have been in contact with someone who has tested positive to Coronavirus (COVID19) and are displaying flu-like symptoms
    • Have recently returned from overseas within the last 14 days
    • Have requested to isolate yourself or be quarantined due to illness
    • Have any other reason to suspect that you may be at risk of transmitting any flu/illness, in particular Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Workplace Hygiene and Social Distancing

  • We have made provision for our administrative staff to be able to work from home. On the occasions where it is necessary to work from our normal office, the administrative team are ensuring that they are regularly washing hands, using hand sanitizer prior to entering the office and prior to exiting the office, and wiping down surfaces at the start and end of each day with antibacterial wipes.
  • Office reconfiguration has allowed for all administrative staff to maintain appropriate social distancing measures.
  • Technical staff are using hand sanitizer prior to and at the completion of each job.
  • Technical staff are washing their hands regularly throughout the day
  • Technical staff are not completing smoke alarm checks in properties where the tenants present with flu like symptoms.
  • Technical staff (where possible and practical) are asking tenants to open necessary doors in the property
  • Technical staff are limiting the time spent in each property, maintaining social distance from occupants and avoiding unnecessary contact with surfaces in the property.
  • In some cases, technology is being utilised to provide support for tenants who are having problems with their smoke alarms to avoid unnecessary contact.
  • Scalable measures such as masks and gloves are an option if the circumstances arise


  • Property Managers/Landlords are being immediately notified if there are tenants who wish for us not to enter their homes at this time. A plan is then being implemented to recontact the tenant at a later date to reassess circumstances under which a smoke alarm inspection can be completed.

Actions Taken Should a Staff Member Become/Suspect of Becoming Infected with COVID-19

  • Should a Pacific Smoke Alarms team member be suspected of having; or suspected of coming into contact with a person who has COVID-19, the measures outlined on the Safe Work Australia will be implemented:
    • Isolate the person
    • Seek advice and assess the risks
    • Transport
    • Clean and disinfect
    • Identify and tell close contacts
    • Review risk management controls
    • Further details of these measures can be found here
  • Should a Pacific Smoke Alarms team member be confirmed as having COVID-19, mandatory reporting and isolation procedures will be followed as outlined in the Safe Work Australia “Work health and safety incident notification COVID-19” Factsheet


    4064339118 - COVIDSAFE

    Pacific smoke alarms
    5/55-57 Township Drive
    Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
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