We’re All About Pool Safety Too
Set The Seal On Your Families Safety

Pool Safety Certification & Inspection Gold Coast

Our backyards are a place of endless fun. During summer, pool fun is a must, however, how safe is your pool? Every homeowner’s responsibility is to ensure that fast and fearless little ones are kept out of harm’s way. To prevent avoidable accidents and possible drowning, pool safety measures need to be put in place!

Pacific Smoke Alarms is known for our dedication to quality smoke alarm installations and compliance services. We’re nationally recognised for our work in smoke alarm compliance and maintenance, blind cord safety, water meter reading and safety switch identification, among other services.

We’re proud to introduce our pool safety services on the Gold Coast!

Pool Safety Compliance

Regulated pools on the Gold Coast, QLD, need to follow a set of compliance and safety standards. This is to guarantee that they are operated and maintained to reduce risks such as drowning. The best way to ensure that your pool complies is to get a pool safety inspector to have a look and assess your pool and surrounding areas.

Engaging A Pool Safety Inspector

At Pacific Smoke Alarms, our pool safety inspections determine the compliance of standard swimming pool requirements.

Once we’ve deemed your pool compliant, we will issue a pool safety certificate to you. However, pools that do not meet the standard safety requirements may be served with a nonconformity notice, unless:

  • Re-inspection is conducted two days after the initial inspection and pools owners meet compliance; or
  • An agreement is reached that repairs will be carried out within 20 business days from the original inspection.

If you want a pool safety certificate, we urge you to speak to us about compliance requirements. We’ll advise on fencing, barriers and other elements that contribute to a safe pool and pool area at your Gold Coast home. You can engage with our pool safety inspector for on-going advice.

At Pacific Smoke Alarms on the Gold Coast, we’re leading pool certifiers ready to help you meet safety regulations to protect your family from harm. Make sure every moment in your backyard is filled with beautiful memories, get pool safety inspections and a pool safety certification with us.

Pacific Smoke Alarms Pricing Schedule

Pool Compliance (QLD Only)
CPR Sign
Works to make Compliant
$165.00 $25.00 $65.00 Quoted


    1348331852 - Gold Coast Pool Safety Certification

    Pacific smoke alarms
    5/55-57 Township Drive
    Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
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