Photoelectric Smoke Alarms Gold Coast, QLD

What does ‘photoelectric’ mean?
All smoke alarms are designed to detect the presence of products of combustion (smoke) in the atmosphere. Different smoke alarm compliance detect different types of smoke products. A photoelectric smoke alarm that meets Australian Standard 3786 is designed to ‘see’ the smoke. Light that is deflected off smoke particles hits a ‘photo cell’ and an electrical signal is sent to the audible alarm that alerts us to possible danger.
Why do we recommend and use photoelectric smoke alarms?
At Pacific Smoke Alarms, we use only photoelectric smoke alarms in standard properties. We make this conscious decision based on a few critical facts:
- Photoelectric smoke alarms contain no radioactive material
- Photoelectric smoke alarms are recommended by the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service
- Does the battery have sufficient power remaining?
- Photoelectric smoke alarms are much faster at detecting the majority of dangerous fire situations presented in domestic properties
Pacific smoke alarms
5/55-57 Township Drive
Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
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