Queensland Smoke Alarm Laws are changing.
The deadline is approaching fast!!

QLD Legislation

The Smoke Alarm Association of Australia has put out a call to action for all Queensland landlords to act as quickly as possible to address the significant upgrades to smoke alarm requirements in all rental properties across the state.

By the 1st January 2022, smoke alarms in every Queensland rental property must be:

  • Installed in every bedroom
  • 240V hardwired or 10yr Lithium Non-replaceable Battery powered alarms (9V Battery powered alarms will not be permitted)
  • Photoelectric (Ionisation smoke alarms will not be permitted)
  • Interconnected, so that if one smoke alarm is activated they all sound

Smoke detectors and the legislation surrounding them in Queensland are clear and concise, making these devices imperative for any home or business property. Having the right smoke detector installation in QLD can not only achieve compliance but also give you peace of mind knowing that the property is protected in the case of fire. In addition, with an early warning system in place, you can increase the safety and security of the building and those inside. 

At Home

These devices are essential for safety and must be installed on every level of your home to ensure complete, secure coverage. If they are not present in certain areas, you risk not detecting when a fire arises. The dwellings that need these systems installed include owner-occupied homes, rental properties, camper-vans and any space where people live or stay for prolonged periods. 

When Renting

It is up to your landlord to ensure standards are met regarding these smoke alarm systems, as per the regulations. As a tenant, whether residential property or commercial, it is your responsibility to notify your landlord if you find fault in the device or system, but it is their responsibility to get it fixed. 

As A Landlord

As the landlord, you are responsible for the upkeep of a property and its systems, including the smoke detectors. While it is necessary for the tenant to update the landlord about any faulty elements, it is the responsibility of the landlord to regularly maintain the system to protect all occupants. This is why it is important to understand the relevant regulations to ensure you abide by them when renting out a property. 

Smoke detectors in Queensland help you abide by the laws and regulations to protect your property. From residential to commercial or industrial, a property must have these devices present to ensure the safety of everyone inside. Contact us today to find out more from our professional team.   

For most landlords, this will mean that every current smoke alarm will need to be replaced and new ones installed (very few rental properties have interconnected, photoelectric smoke alarms inside bedrooms).  Depending on the layout of the rental property, this may mean a considerable number of smoke alarm installed and/or replaced.


From 1 January 2017

Requirements as for existing dwellings

  • Existing landlord’s and tenant’s obligations regarding the installation and testing of smoke alarms continue.
  • Property sellers must lodge a Form 24 with the Queensland Land Registry Office stating the requirements of the new smoke alarm legislation have been met.

From 1 January 2022

Smoke alarms in the dwelling must:

  1. be photoelectric (AS 3786-2014); and
  2. not also contain an ionisation sensor; and
  3. be less than 10 years old; and
  4. operate when tested; and
  5. be interconnected with every other smoke alarm in the dwelling so all activate together;
  6. be hardwired or powered by a non-removable 10-year battery.

Smoke alarms must be installed on each storey:

  1. in each bedroom; and
  2. in hallways which connect bedrooms and the rest of the dwelling; or
  3. if there is no hallway, between the bedrooms and other parts of the storey; and
  4. if there are no bedrooms on a storey at least one smoke alarm must be installed in the most likely path of travel to exit the dwelling.


Dwelling – house, townhouse (Class 1A) and units (Class 2).

Photoelectric – the method the device uses to detect smoke.

Hardwired – connected to the domestic dwelling’s electricity supply

Interconnected – if one smoke alarm sounds all the other smoke alarms will sound.  Interconnection can be wired or wireless.

Substantial – work carried out under a building development approval or the total building works equals 50% of the dwelling over 3years

Storey – a space within a building which is situated between one floor level and the floor level or roof above. This being; in the case of a high set dwelling, a properly constructed room.  It may be reasonable, using a performance approach, not to install smoke alarms where the storey is predominantly open (e.g. a highset house on stumps that is used for carpark or laundry purposes only).

*Refer to specific legislation for full definition


All Clipsal smoke alarms are of the highestquality, meeting all relevant AustralianStandards. Clipsal Fire Tek® altars are auditedand tested annually to carry the 5 Ticks markof quality assurance from SAI Global

  • Surface Mount Lithium Battery Photoelectric Smoke Alarm (755LPSMA4)

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  • Surface Mount 230V Photoelectric Smoke Alarm (755PSMA4)

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  • 230V Wireless Interconnect Base MK2 (755RFB2)

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  • Flush Mount 230V Photoelectric Smoke Alarm (755PFM4)**

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    Pacific smoke alarms
    5/55-57 Township Drive
    Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
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